Frequently Asked Question

Generating a device report.
Last Updated 4 years ago

To generate a route report in the traccar UI is fairly easy. You can use this guide in the mibile client however the layout is a little different and restricted in a few ways.
This can only be used if your account includes access to the Traccar UI, not all accounts do and some only include it for a set period of time. You'll need to log in to proceed...
If you have the report panel hidden click the show button to display the report panel. This is an icon on the bar at the top on the Mobile client...


Next select the type of report you want, we are going to generate a route report but all of the reports work the same way...


Next click "Configure" and you'll see the options displayed for your report...

From the drop downs select either the device or the group you wish to report on. There are limitations on plotting routes for multiple devices.You can select more than one device or just an entire group. On mobile limited screen space can make this a task so move the window up on your screen first. Let's generate a route report for one of our trucks...

This will generate a report based on the data from this week for TD05. You can choose various periods or choose custom for specific data. At this time we only retain a year of records, after that they are archived. Once you are done hit the tick and then click the "show" button to run the report...


For a route report now be shown a list of all the data points from that tracker. As you can see in your example, the route is shown on the map too. We ran the report with the markers shown on so you can see every log point. Depending on how often your device updates, sleep settings, installation and quality of fix your points may not be as accurate. Refer to the installation guide supplied with your device or contact support if you aren't happy with the fix quality. Remeber turning up your update rate can make for better fixes but may incur extra use charges!. Once you have a list of points you can either click a marker on the map to select the point in the list or select the point in the list and it will be highlighted on the map. If you are using mobile you can only see the map OR the list, not both.

Other reports work the same way but some, such as the Graphs, may have more options.

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